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10 Lesson That We All Should Learn From Taliban's Takeover Before It Gets Too Late...

 Now a days the name 'Taliban' is going very viral ,in media ,social media , everywhere. Recently they takeover the Afghanistan and that brings them in the front page of news paper and the headline of news. 

'Taliban ' this name is famous for the their terrorism activities whole over the world ๐ŸŒŽ. It was established in August 1994 in Afghanistan ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ซ  .But today we are not going to talk about there terrorism activities , leave them aside. Let's talk about the lesson that we all should have from Taliban's takeover ,before it gets too late...

1. Number vs Strategy:-    

In the past we all think that large forces brings victory over the small forces. But Taliban's case proved that theory completely wrong. Because,

Afghanistan has 3.5 lakhs forces but Taliban's have only around 1 lakhs forces. 

US government ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ spent 88 billion dollars ๐Ÿ’ต to train Afghanistan forces.  But Taliban's doesn't have so much money, but even they takeover the Afghanistan... 

So...what they do for this big achievement?

Taliban's used religion as fuel of their forces motivation. Taliban's make an understanding with the leaders of small tribe's and bring them in their side. When the Afghan government was thinking that they are safe from Taliban's,  and they are able to keep them in a safe zone from Taliban's.  In that time they were completely wrong, in that time Taliban's were secretly spreading their roots into the safe zone and Afghan government didn't have any information of it.When the Afghan government able to knew that , it was too late . Taliban's didn't have a lager forces than Afghan government but they use strategy.

From this we can easily say that in future  strategy and information will play a vital role in modern war.

2. Effect of This case in Pakistan:- 

 Pakistan ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ฐ the friendly neighborhood enemy of India ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ will definitely try to take advantage of this case in kashmir issu ,because for a long time Pakistan give funds Taliban's , now they will definitely try to take Taliban's help to takeover the kashmir or they can also use the Taliban's strategy to takeover the kashmir. India should be careful about that.

3. Powers Vacuum:-

Whenever a imperialist power evaluate from any country it leaves a power vacuum behind it and from the power vacuum the extremist power rises like Taliban, ISIS ,etc.

4. Double Role of ISI:- 

Before discussing this point i would like to cote  Hamid Gul's statement -

" when history is written , it will be started that the ISI defeated Soviet Union in Afghanistan. There will be a another sentence . The ISI, with the help of America ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ defeated America ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ. " 

Here we can clearly understand that ISI plays a double role in this case. ISI takes funds from America to defeat Soviet Union but ISI uses against the America, and gives that funds to Taliban's. 

5. Taliban's PR:-  

Taliban's is trying to clear their cruel images,  in front of world ๐ŸŒŽ.  They publishes a PR in which they said that they will don't touch the government employees,  they will establish law and order,  they will open school, colleges and universities, they would not harm the  common peoples. They will respect women's, and press freedom. 

But even after this the images of Taliban's in front of the world is not change at all. Because even after this Taliban's PR several killing is reported, forces marriages are happening all over the Afghanistan in a very large scale, women's safety is under threat in Taliban's rule.

6. Fall of International Forces :- 

This lesson is very important for Democracy. Because Afghan Taliban case can be a ideal for dictator's because , once upon a time there was a international community and a international forces in the past , which takes action against the dictator's and terrorism. But now there is no international forces and no international community exists now. The honorable president of United States Joe Biden told that there wouldn't be any evacuation in hustle, US withdrawal will be completed in peacefully. But after that the exactly opposite images were captured in kabul , where peoples are trying their best to leave Afghanistan , even in hustle they are throwing their children over the raiser wire so the life's of their children can be saved. 

When ever dictatorship rises the western forces,  the western democracy comes to save democracy, but now after seeing all this and seeing the silence of western forces .we can say now no western power or no western democracy will came forward to save the Democracy. 

7. Democracy is in Danger :- 

We all know the difference between democracy and autocracy , in 99% cases autocracy = dictatorship . After Taliban's takeover and the silence of the Western democracies and international powers , now dictator's will freely and more easily conduct their dictatorship in their countries.  So there will be no democracy any more. Now after this incident, the dictators are very motivated now ,as a result, the dictatorship will easily rise in  several countries in our world ๐ŸŒŽ without any interruption of western democracy and international forces. So now we all can say democracy is in Danger ⚠️...

8. Corruption Role in Destroying the Government :- 

United States ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ spent 2 trillion dollars ๐Ÿ’ต in Afghanistan to develop it , to develop its rural areas, to provide education,  to provide work to the unemployed workers. To provide electricity , to provide good services to common peoples. 

If we leave aside 88 billion dollars ๐Ÿ’ต that was used to train Afghan army then where is the rest money of the 2 trillion dollars??

But the Afghan government was too corrupted that the funds that ware given to develop Afghan that was taken by some leaders and government employees . The Afghans didn't have good affordable education , they don't have electricity in affordable prices, they do not have a  better health system , they don't have employment . So the people were soo disappointed that they gives their country in the hand of terrorists. 

It gives a bigger lesson to corrupted government that don't be too corrupted ,that the peoples of the country give the country ruling system in terrorists hands .

9. History repeats itself :- 

In Afghanistan in last 200 years many imperialist powers has came and now they are all gone . First England came to rule,  but they were pulled out  then Soviet Union cames they were also pulled out  and now recently America is pulled out from Afghanistan. 

Every time the history repeats itself and the same mistakes were made by every imperialist powers.  Every imperialist powers though that the Afghan lives in the city and they all made a safe zone in cities after occupying Afghanistan,  but they all made a mistake  that Afghan lives in rural areas not in town. So each time the safe zone idea is failed and they all pulled out from Afghanistan. 

10. Inequality in society :-  

In Afghanistan there was income inequality, over all society inequality, democratic inequality, urban- rural inequality, gender inequality, etc. As a result of all of this inequalities 73% population were still living on rural areas and 80% of population was still dependent on seasonal rainfall.

After so many inequalities and disadvantages the Afghans peoples decided to accept Taliban's.


At Last we should understand that. If a government or a political party is playing religion politics mixed with nationalism concept,  and dominating a cast , didn't thinking about overall development and being corrupted day by day and have the above listed contents in it .Then we can easily realize that the future of that country is very dark...

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