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The Great Green Wall Project....

The Great Green Wall Project is one of the biggest example that what humans can achive by their will power. The Great Green Wall Project was started in 2007 in Africa 🌍 to stop expanding Sahara desert. Really it is a great idea to combat desertification. This project is lead by African Union. 

What Is The Great Green Wall Project:- The Great Green Wall Project is a project that lead by African Union. The project is made to initially combat with desertification in Africa's Sahara and sahel regions to hold back and reins on the Sahara desert expansion. The project will be  accomplished by planting wall of trees 🌳  stretching all across the Sahara and Sahel desert ( Senegal to Djibouti).

Partner of this project:- This initiative brings more than 20 countries like Algeria, Benin, Burkina Fasco, Chad, Cape Verde, Egypt , Libya, Djibouti, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal , Somalia, Sudan, The Gambia, Tunisia, Mauritania, and many more...

Why this project is so important:-  This project is Important because...

1. The population of Sahel is estimated to be double by 2039, so to emphasize the importance to maintaining the food production and protecting the environment this project is necessary for Africa.  

2.  The Sahara desert is expanding 11000 km² per year and the expansion rate of per year is growing rapidly. The Sahara desert expansion was 8000 km²/ year in 1950-2015 and now it is 11000 km²/year. But after working on the on the Great Green Wall Project, we have able to reins on the situation. It is estimated that the expansion rate will decrease from 11,000 km²/ year to 6600-6900 km²/year with in 2050.

3. The Great Green Wall Project can be a ideal for those countries who are trying to combat with desertification. 

4 . In future the forest those which will be created as a part of 'The Great Green Wall Project ' can be one of the biggest suppliers or oxygen .

5. The Great Green Wall Project is tha Project which is recovering land from desert to normal usable land.

6. The Great Green Wall Project will be one of the biggest savior of world environment. 

7. The Great Green Wall Project can provide shelter and home for those animals who has lost their shelter for deforestation. 

Thank you for reading... if you like it please share to your friends will be helpful to us...


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