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Journalism And Indian Politics.....

' Journalism ' a wonderful word that symbolize a neutral political ideologist person who stands for common peoples and raise their voices against anything which was done worng or it is going to be done worng. 

Some neutral political ideologist journalist who are holding the original ideology of journalism strongly, they are - 

■ Ravish kumar

■ Punya Prasun Bajpai

■ Abhisar Sharma

This are some journalists who follows the original ideology of journalism. This peoples have the guts to say fearless which is right and which is worng. We respect them for their incredible work in the field of journalism. 

There was a time when journalism seems to be a respectful occupation in the past. Now a days the scenario is slightly changed.  Now a days very few journalists left who are still holding the original ideology of journalism strongly. Like - Ravish kumar, Punya Prasun Bajpai, Abhisar Sharma,

But a majority number of journalists didn't follows the original ideology of journalism. They praise anyone who gives them money ,Basically they are corrupted journalist. They are also called paid media or paid journalists. This kind of journalist are very dangerous for democracy because they becomes the parrot of the supreme leaders or the party which have paid them for praising.

The paid media didn't say anything against the Supreme leaders or the ruling party or the party which have paid them for praising, they keep their mouth shut even if tha leader is doing something worng or directly hitting and breaking the pillars of democracy  to establish autocracy . Even after all of this the paid media or the paid journalists maintain pin drop silence about this matter and they continue praising and continue licking the legs of the supreme leader or political party which or who have paid them for praising . 

■Side Effects Of Paid Journalism Or Paid Media 

1. This type of paid journalism is very dangerous for common peoples because it invites autocrasy against democracy. 

2. This type of paid journalism can kill common peoples rights  .

3. This type of paid journalism can be very harmful for the  for all of the pillars of democracy. 

4. This type of paid journalism can called autocracy. 

5. This type of paid journalism gives worng information to peoples,  to nation. 

6. This type of journalism destroys the communal harmony between many religions and destroys communal harmony of nation .

7. This type of paid journalism invites intercommunal which can takes lifes of many  peoples. 

8. This kind of paid journalism represents a false image of supreme leaders or the party which have paid them for praising, which they didn't deserves .

9. This kind of paid journalism helps a dangerous ideologist political party by giving wrong information to peoples, by creating a fake positive image of that political party or the political party face ,to win election .

10. This kind of paid journalism gives fuel to dangerous extremism political ideologist party to grow in a nation.  The paid journalism also dominates the original ideologist journalist and the original ideology of journalism. 

Now a days in India this type of paid journalism is growing rapidly. The paid journalism or the paid media is dominating the original journalism. Making peoples bigot, blind fans of a particular political party which has a dangerous wrong ideology and worng intention . This is a very serious issue for democracy and common peoples. 

The common peoples are completely unaware of the dangerous effects of paid journalism or paid media. You can share this article and make them aware from this danger . You can help your friends,  family,  relatives by sharing this article and make them aware. Please rise up and help your beloved ones .


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