KOLKATA: Sacked Bengal minister Partha Chatterjee Sunday disowned the almost Rs 50-crore cash stash seized from two apartments of his “close associate” Arpita Mukherjee with a dramatic “amar noy, amar noy, amar noy (not mine, not mine, not mine)”. The denial, coming eight days since his arrest by the Enforcement Directorate, invited an immediate retort from Trinamool Congress, of which he was secretary general until last Thursday. “What took him so long to say this?” party spokesperson Kunal Ghosh said. “When he first had the opportunity, why didn’t he say that this was a conspiracy, and the money wasn’t his? At this rate, he might even say he doesn’t know who Partha Chatterjee is. Or maybe that he doesn’t know Arpita Mukherjee" Around 1.50pm at the ESI Hospital in Joka, Chatterjee had just alighted from an ED vehicle when a reporter asked him about the ownership of the crores that had been seized from Arpita’s flats. “Shomoy elei bujhe jaben (You will know when the time comes),”...